English to Albanian Translations

For English to Albanian translations you can trust - look no further

Do you need a professional, top-quality and punctual Albanian to English or English to Albanian translation? You are in the right place.

At Translating-Interpreting.co.uk our team of Albanian translators can take care of all your Albanian translation needs, offering a convenient one-stop translation solution.

Our no-nonsense personal approach ensures you that you receive your top-notch Albanian translation how you want it and when you want it.

Our team of talented Albanian translators are the best in the business and guarantee satisfaction.

The best English to Albanian translations available

We deal with translations from English into Albanian and from Albanian into English. A translator will always translate into their mother tongue - so an Albanian will only translate into Albanian and an English speaker will only translate into English. This ensures first class work.

What's more, we offer a comprehensive translation service catering for both private individuals and businesses.

The Albanian translation team can deal with letters, brochures, handbooks, articles, manuals, guides, contracts, novels and much more. We are also leaders in assisting companies going global through our Website Translation, Newsletter Translation and Email Translation services.

In addition, our respected Albanian translators specialise in the translation of legal, engineering, marketing, business, IT and academic documents.

Simply stated, for all your Albanian translation needs, Translating-Interpreting.co.uk are the company you can depend on. We think you will agree.

About the Albanian Language

Albanian is the official language of the Republic of Albania. Albanian has two forms:

Gheg Albanian is spoken in northern Albania by an estimated 300,000 people. Speakers is Gheg Albanian are referred to as 'Kossovar'. It is widely spoken in Serbia and Montenegro. This form of Albanian is not intelligible with Tosk Albanian.

Tosk Albanian is the official form of Albania and has formed the basis of standard Albanian since 1952. There is a reported 2,900,000 speakers mainly in the south of Albania.